Student careers advice

A2 Developing a Personal Progression Plan (Level 1) - Full Unit
A fantastic resource for those teaching BTEC Level 1 Introductory. This resource includes starter activities and plenary tasks, differentiated learning objectives, tasks with differentiation, employability tasks, and Maths and English tasks included (where possible). The resource is very interactive and has been put together by teachers to improve consistency.
There are seven PowerPoints that relate to Learning Aim A and B. There are attached worksheets which help with the delivery of the Unit. The unit also includes an assignment workbook to aid the delivery and, therefore suits the level of the learner.

UCAS and Personal Statement Tutorial
A useful tutorial which contains key information regarding the UCAS application and how to complete a personal statement.

Work Experience booklet
A resource that allows students to reflect on their Work Experience placement and improve their employability skills. The resource contains a skills audit, SWOT analysis, target-setting, multiple employer assessments and an hours logging sheet.

Higher / Further Education Tutorials
This resource contains tutorials on the following areas:
Vespa and skills gaps, grades, note taking, essay tips, importance of research, academic sources, CV’s and cover letters, presentation skills, PowerPoints and Poster defence, Professional Development Plans, How to write scientific lab reports, P-Values and confidence Levels.
These can be applied to a range of subjects with minimal effort and they can also be tailored towards Further Education. The resources have been created my a range of academic staff to improve the standard.

Grade Calculators (2010 syllabus): Sport & Public Services
A useful resource to work out overall grade achieved throughout Sport and Public Services courses. This can also be useful for monitoring and tracking student performances.

Preparation for University Presentation
A useful resource for those presenting University talks to students. These skills may help to prepare students for University life.